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Blake's famous poem:

To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.

Every morn and every night
Some are born to sweet delight.
Some are born to sweet delight,
Some are born to endless night

Laughing Song

When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy,
And the dimpling stream runs laughing by;
When the air does laugh with our merry wit,
And the green hill laughs with the noise of it;

When the meadows laugh with lively green,
And the grasshopper laughs in the merry scene,
When Mary and Susan and Emily
With their sweet round mouths sing “Ha, Ha, He!”

When the painted birds laugh in the shade,
Where our table with cherries and nuts is spread,
Come live and be merry, and join with me,
To sing the sweet chorus of “Ha, Ha, He!”

Compensation - A poem by Emerson

The wings of Time are black and white,
Pied with morning and with night.
Mountain tall and ocean deep
Trembling balance duly keep.
In changing moon and tidal wave
Glows the feud of Want and Have,
Gauge of more and less through space,
Electric star or pencil plays,
The lonely Earth amid the balls
That hurry through the eternal halls,
A makeweight flying to the void,
Supplemental asteroid,
Or compensatory spark,
Shoots across the neutral Dark.

Man's the elm, and Wealth the vine;
Stanch and strong the tendrils twine:
Though the frail ringlets thee deceive,
None from its stock that vine can reave.
Fear not then, thou child infirm,
There's no god dare wrong a worm;
Laurel crowns cleave to deserts,
And power to him who power exerts.
Has not thy share? On winged feet,
Lo! It rushes thee to meet;
And all that Nature made thy own,
Floating in air or pent in stone,
Will rive the hills and swim the sea,
And, like thy shadow, follow thee.

Poems by Walt Whitman



Me imperturbe, standing at ease in Nature,
Master of all or mistress of all, aplomb in the midst of irrational things,
Imbued as they, passive, receptive, silent as they,
Finding my occupation, poverty, notoriety, foibles, crimes, less important than I thought,
Me toward the Mexican sea, or in the Manahatt or the Tennessee, or far north or inland,
A river man, or a man of the woods or of any farm-life of these States or of the coast, or the lakes or Kanada,
Me wherever my life is lived, O to be self-balanced for contingencies,
To confront night, storms, hunger, ridicule, accidents, rebuffs, as the trees and animals do.

Uncollected and rejected poems

A rejected poem

This Day, O Soul

This day, O Soul, I give you a wondrous mirror;
Long in the dark, in tarnish and cloud it lay – But the cloud
Has pass'd, and the tarnish gone;
….. Behold, O Soul! It is now a clean and bright mirror,
Faithfully showing you all the things of the world.

Another rejected poem


O Sun of real peace! O hastening light!
O free and extatic! O what I here, preparing, warble for!
O the sun of the world will ascend, dazzling, and take this height –
And you too, O my Ideal will surely ascend!
O so amazing and broad – up there resplendent, darting and burning!
O vision prophetic, stagger'd with weight of light! With pouring glories!
O lips of my soul, already becoming powerless!
O ample and great Presidentials! Now the war, the war is over!
New histories! New heroes! I project you!
Visions of poets! Only you really last! Sweep on! Sweep on!
O heights too swift and dizzy yet!
O purged and luminous! You treaten me more than I can stand!
(I must not venture – the ground under my feet menaces me – it will not support me:
O future too immense,) – O present, I return, while yet I may, to you.


Think of the Soul;
I swear to you that body of yours gives proportions to your
Soul somehow to live in other spheres;
I do not know how, but I know it is so.

Think of loving and being loved;
I swear to you, whoever you are, you can interfuse yourself
With such things that everybody that sees you shall look longingly upon you.
Think of the past;
I warn you that in a little while others will find their past in you and your times.
The race is never separated – nor man nor woman escapes;
All is inextricable – things, spirits, Nature, nations, you too
from precedents you come.

Recall the ever-welcome defiers (The mothers precede them;)
Recall the sages, poets, saviors, inventors, lawgivers, of the earth;
Recall Christ, brother of rejected persons – brother of slaves,
felons, idiots, and of insane and diseas'd persons.

Think of the time when you were not yet born;
Think of times you stood at the side of the dying;
Think of the time when your own body will be dying.

Think of spiritual results,
Sure as the earth swims through the heavens, does every one
of its objects pass into spiritual results.

Think of manhood, and you to be a man;
Do you count manhood, and the sweet of manhood, nothing?

Think of womanhood, and you to be a woman;
The creation is womanhood;
Have I not said that womanhood involves all?
Have I not told how the universe has nothing better than the best womanhood?

From "The Way of Peace" - James Allen

There is an inmost center in us all
Where Truth abides in fullness ; and around,
Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in-,
This perfect, clear perception, which is Truth,
A baffling and perverting carnal mesh
Blinds it, and makes all error; and to know,
Rather consists in opening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape,
Than in effecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without.

"The heights by great men reached and kept,
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night." "


Star that of the birth of Vishnu,
Birth of Krishna, Buddha, Jesus,
Told the wise ones, Heavenward looking,
Waiting, watching for thy gleaming
In the darkness of the night-time,
In the starless gloom of midnight
Shining Herald of the coming
Of the kingdom of the righteous
Teller of the Mystic story
Of the lowly birth of Godhead
In the stable of the passions,
In the manger of the mind-soul;
Silent singer, of the secret
Of compassion deep and holy
To the heart with sorrow burdened,
To the soul with waiting weary;
Star of all surpassing brightness,
Thou again does deck the midnight
Thou again does cheer the wise ones
Watching in the creedal darkness,
Weary of the endless battle
With the grinding blades of error
Tired of lifeless, useless idols,
Of the dead forms of religions
Spent with watching for thy shining
Thou hast ended their despairing;
Thou hast lighted up their pathway
Thou hast brought again the old Truths
To the hearts of all thy Watchers;
To the souls of them that love thee
Thou dost speak of joy and Gladness,
Of the peace that comes of Sorrow.
Blessed are they that can see thee,
Weary wanderers in the Night-time.
Blessed they who feel the throbbing,
In their bosoms feel the pulsing
Of a deep Love stirred within them
By the great power of thy shining.
Let us learn thy lesson truly;
Learn it faithfully and humbly
Learn it meekly, wisely, gladly,
Ancient Star of holy Vishnu,
Light of Krishna, Buddha, Jesus.

Enter the Path ; there is no grief like hate,
No pain like passion, no deceit like sense;
Enter the Path ; far hath he gone whose foot
Treads down one fond offence.

Self be the only prison that can ever bind the soul;
Truth is the only angel that can bid the gates unroll;
And when he comes to call thee, arise and follow fast,
His way may lie through darkness, but it leads to light at last.

0 come, weary brother! your struggling and striving
End it in the heart of the Master of Truth;
Across self's drear desert why will you be driving,
Athirst for the quickening waters of Truth.

When here, by the path of your searching and sinning,
Flows Life's gladsome stream, lies Love's oasis green?
Come, turn and rest; know the end and beginning,
The sought and the searcher, the seer and seen.

Your Master sits not in the unapproached mountains,
Nor dwells in the mirage which floats on the air,
Nor will you discover His magical fountains
In pathways of sand that encircle despair.

In selfhood's dark desert cease wearily seeking
The odorous tracks of the feet of your King,
And if you would hear the sweet sound of His speaking,
Be deaf to all voices that emptily sing.

Flee the vanishing places; renounce all you have;
Leave all that you love, and naked and bare,
Yourself at the shrine of the Innermost cast ;
The Highest, the Holiest, the Changeless is there.

Within, in the heart of the Silence He dwells ;
Leave sorrow and sin, leave your wanderings sore;
Come bathe in His joy, whilst He, whispering, tells
Your soul what it seeks, and wander no more.

Then cease, weary brother, your struggling and striving
Find peace in the heart of the Master of Truth;
Across self's dark desert cease wearily driving;
Come; drink at the beautiful waters of Truth.

No harmful shaft can reach the righteous man,
Standing erect amid the storms of hate,
Defying hurt and injury and ban,
Surrounded by the trembling slaves of Fate.

Majestic in the strength of silent power,
Serene he stands, nor changes not nor turns;
Patient and firm in suffering's darkest hour,
Time bends to him, and death and doom he spurns.

Wrath's lurid lightnings round about him play,
And hell's deep thunders roll about his head;
Yet heeds he not, for him they cannot slay
Who stands whence earth and time and space are fled.

Sheltered by deathless love, what fear hath he?
Armored in changeless Truth, what can he know
Of loss and gain? Knowing eternity,
He moves not whilst the shadows come and go.

Call him immortal, call him Truth and Light
And splendor of prophetic majesty
Who bides thus amid the powers of night,
Clothed with the glory of divinity.

That of our vices we can frame
A ladder if we will but tread
Beneath our feet each deed of shame

"Ye suffer from yourselves, none else compels,
None other holds ye that ye live and die."

I stood upon the shore, and saw the rocks
Resist the onslaught of the mighty sea,
And when I thought how all the countless shocks
They had withstood through an eternity,
I said, " To wear away this solid main
The ceaseless efforts of the waves are vain."

But when I thought how they the rocks had rent,
And saw the sand and shingles at my feet
Poor passive remnants of resistance spent
Tumbled and tossed where they the waters meet,
Then saw I ancient landmarks beneath the waves,
And knew the waters held the stones their slaves.

I saw the mighty work the waters wrought
By patient softness and unceasing flow;
How they the proudest promontory brought
Unto their feet, and mossy hills laid low
How the soft drops the adamantine wall
Conquered at last, and brought it to its fall.

And then I knew that hard, resisting sin
Should yield at last to Love's soft ceaseless roll
Coming and going, ever flowing in
Upon the proud rocks of the human soul
That all resistance should be spent and past,
And every heart yield unto it at last.

Through its laughing and its weeping,
Through its living and its keeping,
Through its follies and its labors, weaving in and out of sight,
To the end from the beginning,
Through all virtue and all sinning,
Reeled from God's great spool of Progress, runs the golden thread of light."

Questioning Life and Destiny and Truth,
I sought the dark and labyrinthine Sphinx,
Who spoke to me this strange and wondrous thing:-
Concealment only lies in blinded eyes,
And God alone can see the Form of God.

I sought to solve this hidden mystery
Vainly by paths of blindness and of pain,
But when I found the Way of Love and Peace,
Concealment ceased, and I was blind no more:
Then saw I God even with the eyes of God.

"Humbleness, truthfulness, and harmlessness,
Patience and honor, reverence for the wise,
Purity, constancy, control of self,
Contempt of sense-delights, self-sacrifice,
Perception of the certitude of ill
In birth, death, age, disease, suffering and sin;
An ever tranquil heart in fortunes good
And fortunes evil . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Endeavors resolute
To reach perception of the utmost soul,
And grace to understand what gain it were
So to attain this is true wisdom, Prince!
And what is otherwise is ignorance!"

This is peace,
To conquer love of self and lust of life,
To tear deep-rooted passion from the heart
To still the inward strife."

Great glory crowns the heights of hope by arduous struggle won;
Bright honor rounds the hoary head that mighty works hath done;
Fair riches come to him who strives in ways of golden gain,
And fame enshrines his name who works with genius-glowing brain :
But greater glory waits for him who, in the bloodless strife,
'Gainst self and wrong, adopts, in love, the sacrificial life;
And brighter honor rounds the brow of him who, 'Mid the scorns
Of blind idolaters of self, accepts the crown of thorns;
And fairer, purer riches come to him who greatly strives
To walk in ways of love and truth to sweeten human lives;
And he who serveth well mankind exchanges fleeting fame
For Light eternal, joy and Peace, and robes of heavenly flame.

"Heaven's gate is very narrow and minute,
It cannot be perceived by foolish men
Blinded by vain illusions of the world
Even the clear-sighted who discern the way,
And seek to enter, find the portal barred,
And hard to be unlocked. Its massive bolts
Are pride and passion, avarice and lust."

Never the Spirit was born, the Spirit will cease to be never,
Never was time it was not, end and beginning are dreams;
Birthless and deathless and changeless remaineth the Spirit forever,
Death hath not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems.

0 thou who would teach men of Truth
Hast thou passed through the desert of doubt
Art thou purged by the fires of sorrow? hath Truth
The fiends of opinion cast out
Of thy human heart? Is thy soul so fair
That no false thought can ever harbor there?

0 thou who would teach men of Love!
Hast thou passed through the place of despair
Hast thou wept through the dark night of grief?
does it move
(Now freed from its sorrow and care)
Thy human heart to pitying gentleness,
Looking on wrong, and hate, and ceaseless stress?

0 thou who would teach men of Peace!
Hast thou crossed the wide ocean of strife?
Hast thou found on the Shores of the Silence, release
From all the wild unrest. of life?
From thy human heart hath all striving gone,
Leaving but truth, and Love, and Peace alone?


The soul that rises with us, our life's star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar,
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory, do we come
From God, who is our home.

In the Sentinel (19 October 1998) a beautiful poem by Edwin Markham (The Best Loved Poems of the American People, New York: Doubleday, 1936, p.67)

He drew a circle that shut me out
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in !

From the book "Alex in Elfinland" by Margareth Lee:


In all things there is a song
that's more than meets the ear
Not only in the songs of birds
Or the frogs in the reed or human words
In every halm and blade the sound is clear
even if there is no hearing ear
even in silence there is music.

Nymphs, spells and magic rings
shimmering crystals and thrills
flowers, stars, Elfin rings
everything has its own song to sing.


In earth and stone
in houses and alleys
in clouds and rain
there is only one

In sea and siren
in moor and tree
in you and me
there is only the One

Just as surely as everything links
the One is everything in all things

The One sees forest with eyes of rain
and flowers with eyes of all that surrounds them
and flowers see earth and rain and sky
and earth sees swans as they fly high
the light shines through every appearance
for the One there is no difference
joyful it flows through awareness
and every shadow flees for the togetherness.

Your own light

Fly like a butterfly
or a bee in the sky
you're always free and happy
spread your wings and touch the heavens
life goes on eternally
if you call what is short and fleeting
life, you're wrong, you see

Can you hear the colors
see how magnificent I am
look at the beautiful sound
Seek the best in me
that is what I really am
You will only see your own light
when it lights up another
Whatever is on your mind
lift up your heart and be kind

I received the following poem from Bill Grimes Jr.


Once a dream
Now a way of life
Mystical force
Holy Spirit indwells
Consumes me
My very core
Exalts Him
Vivid new existence
With purpose
Wondrous journey
I rise

©Bill Grimes Jr. 2005

more of his poems.

Here you can read "The Invitation" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer.

Do you know a profound poem? Please email me.

For a rhyming dictionary and thesaurus check out Rhymezone

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